NCKU LiDAR Winter School 2025

January 13-17
Tainan, Taiwan

High Density Scanning for Forest Carbon and Building Model

The LiDAR Winter School 2025 will take place in the Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). This course will cover the operational theory and data processing of various laser scanning systems, including Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS), Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), Handheld SLAM LiDAR, UAV Laser Scanner, and Bathymetric LiDAR.

A whole day outing will take place in Tainan (ouside NCKU campus) to gain hands-on experience with TLS, handheld SLAM LiDAR, and UAV SLAM LiDAR systems. Data processing procedures will be introduced in a computer room of Department of Geomatics. Participants are encouraged to bring their own high-end laptop (with high-speed CPU, ample RAM, and/or independent GPU).

The highlights of the LiDAR Winter School include deriving LOD1 building model from high-density point cloud data and understanding forest carbon by integrating high-density point cloud data with satellite optical images.

In addition to the academic sessions, participants will enjoy social events, including an ice-breaking dinner and a guided tour of the Chimei Museum, providing opportunitites for networking and relaxation. We provide meals, snacks, and accommodation (hostel) near the campus during whole course.

We welcome anyone who is interested in knowing laser scanning to join us. We believe that the experience from this winter school will enhance your knowledge, technical skills and open up new opportunities in the geospatial industies.


Prof. Chi-Kuei Wang
Prof. Chi-Kuei Wang

National Cheng Kung University

Prof. Tee-Ann Teo
Prof. Tee-Ann Teo

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Prof. Peter Tian-Yuan Shih
Prof. Peter Tian-Yuan Shih

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Assoc. Prof. Tzu-Yi Chuang
Assoc. Prof. Tzu-Yi Chuang

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Prof. Cho-Ying Huang
Prof. Cho-Ying Huang

National Taiwan University



The registration form can be downloaded from
Registration form must be submitted to before 2024 September 30.

Registration fee is 100 USD (/3200 NTD*) for applicant who needs hostel accommodation and 50 USD (/1600 NTD*) for applicant who doesn’t need the hostel accommodation. Fees cover accommodation in shared room, meals, participation in the winter school, learning material (lectures and practical labs), social events and field trip. Fees should be paid through online payment. The above registration fees do not include related remittance fees. (* The local currency is for participants already in Taiwan.)

The number of participants is limited. We will review the participants before providing the payment information.

For further question, please contact LiDAR Winter School 2025 Secretariat:

Local Organizing Committee Members
